1. One of the greatest things about God is that He’s a promise keeper. As it says in Numbers 23:19, “God is not a man that He should lie.” Because of who He is, He’s powerful enough that even if it doesn’t appear like something has happened, His word makes it a reality. What promise are you standing on right now? How can we join you in prayer as you wait for it to come to fruition?
2. David was on the run for years because Saul wanted to kill him. This was even after David had killed Goliath and helped Israel secure victory over the Philistines. Like David, sometimes it feels like we get punished for doing good, but thankfully, we serve a God who doesn’t let that be the end of our story. Can you share about a time that you initially felt unfairly treated for doing good for someone?
3. Sometimes, the rough times we find ourselves in are our own doing. But our Father in heaven is merciful, and while He often allows us to experience the natural consequences of our decisions, He spares us harm that doesn't lead us to grow into who we're called to be. Can you share a time that God spared you from a consequence you deserved? What did the experience teach you about God and His love for you?