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All For One, One For All

1) This Sunday the Greek word “auxano” was introduced to us, which means to make grow, to increase, become greater. Without taking the easy way out and stopping at your kids, or significant other, identify someone you can plug into this week. It can be a co-worker, a member of our church family or a stranger. What can you do to help them grow?

2) There’s a saying that 20% of church members do 80% of the work, but as believers, we are all called to contribute to the body of Christ. It strengthens and unifies the Church, but also helps us grow and mature as individuals (Ephesians 4:12 – 16). God has given all his creation natural giftings, but those who believe in the name of Jesus also receive spiritual gifts. If you’re one of the 20% doing most of the work, who is someone you can identify to invite alongside you to help carry the load? If you’re not one of the 20%, take inventory of your gifts, and email them to us. We’d love to get you plugged in somewhere!

3)Pastor Randy mentioned the phrase “ride or die”, a reference to the people in our lives that we rely on to have our backs when situations are challenging. Do you have any spiritual ride or dies? If so, take some time out to thank them for investing in you. If not, take some time out to think about some people in our church family who you’d like to have on your side when times get rough. Ask them to pray for or with you. Treat them to coffee/lunch and start building a relationship.


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