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"Note to Self"

1.       Proverbs 18:21 says that death and life are in the power of the tongue. Because of all this power we hold in our tongues, we must be careful with our words. Being careless with our words could delay or even undo what God is doing in our lives. Do you tend to use your words to speak life or death? Take time this week to take inventory of how you use your words, and identify one situation you could improve on how you exercise the power of your tongue.

2.       Fellowship is a vital piece to living a fruitful life as a believer. Joining with other believers is like an invitation for Jesus to commune with you. While God has a calling on us individually, we must partner with other believers to reach our full potential. Do you have other believers you regularly spend time with (outside of church)? If so, who are they, and how are you pouring into each other's lives? If you don't, what barriers are you facing to identifying one or two?

3.       One of the best things about being a Christian is that it allows us a direct line to the Creator through the power of prayer. We don’t have to wait for someone“more saved” or “holier” than us. That power comes with the benefits package of accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior. How often do you exercise this power? When you use it, are you seeking God's hand (what He can do for or give to you) or His face (building a relationship, getting to know Him personally)?

"Satan is feeble until you give him authority"
"Authority is the capacity we have due to our position"
"You don't have to wait for someone else to pray for you"
"Power is the capacity I have due to my life's posture"


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