1. In Job 2:11-12 we’re introduced to Job’s friends Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar. When they learned of Job’s trials, they visited him, sat silently, cried with him, and comforted him (or at least tried). Unfortunately, loss is an unavoidable part of life on Earth. We can lose someone we love dearly at any time, and as Christians, we are called to mourn with those who mourn. We’ve all lost someone dear to us and likely had someone who helped comfort us in those times. Think back to who that was for you. What did they do that you found to be most helpful? 2. Job’s friends got off to a great start, but it all seemed to be for naught once they opened their mouths. Eliphaz (the know-it-all) carefully and thoughtfully crafted accusations of Job based on what he thought to be logical. Providing more advice for how to do better than giving affirmations to his friend in pain. Bildad (says-it-all) held no punches and accused Job of wrongdoing. He was insensitive and opinionated as he scolded his friend. And Zophar (don’t-believe-it-all) thought Job’s pleas of innocence were lies, going as far as to say that Job probably deserved worse. We all fall short in some ways and probably naturally lean toward one of these responses. Out of being someone who knows it all, says it all, or doesn’t believe it all, which response do you find is your initial response? 3. While Job’s friends covered the spectrum of how not to be a friend, the Bible also provides a perfect example of how to be a friend. Jesus spoke words of encouragement, gave tangible relief, provided a healing touch, and wept with those in pain. He knew when to deploy each tool, but we obviously fell short of His example. Which one of these comes most naturally to you? Which one of these could you do a better job of using at the right time?
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