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I'm Here to Serve: "The Position of Serving"

1. God has called each of us to perform a mission that is specific to us. That calling will ultimately help God’s Kingdom, and we should be good stewards of what God has given us by spending time honing what He has equipped us with. That doesn't excuse us from serving in other capacities though. As Pastor mentioned, no calling excuses you from helping to set out chairs. What do you feel God has called you to do that would help advance His Kingdom? What acts of service can you engage with in addition to God's calling for you?

2. In Luke 10:30-33, we see three men who are thought to have been coming from the same worship service. One was attacked, and the other two saw him lying in a ditch and walked on the other side, with one actually coming to get a closer look. We can only speculate on their reasons for avoiding the injured man, but we all find ourselves in similar situations. Maybe we're late for work, ready to eat, or any other reason we have to not stop and help someone God is telling us to help. What habit(s) can you start that will provide more opportunities to show your care for other people?

3. Our service to other people can not only impact them or us, but it can ultimately snowball into impacting the entire world. We’ve all had an impact on other people, the range of our influence might vary, but the fact that we’ve left an imprint doesn’t. What is one act of kindness from a stranger that you’ve witnessed has left a lasting impression on you? What is something you can do tomorrow that will have a similar impact?


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